Woman of Gold

Dear Woman of Gold,

Woman, you're a creation of magic and sugar. Woman, you're an embodiment of everlasting fairy dust made in the luxurious shade of gold. Woman, you radiate such power, strength, and light how one can ever bring their lips to dislike you. Woman, you are a beauty that deserves to be treasured never mistreated. Woman, you're the epitome of love all in one breath. Woman, you are. Woman, you will always be. May you never allow another soul to tell you differently. You're a beautiful creation that will receive the stars, the sky, and all that is between. May you always have the eyes to see the worth that resides within and the sweetness to carry out your strength. 


- One of your own. 



Destiny Thomas

A Writer & Creative who moves through love + light with a focus on embracing one's beauty, skin, and journey.

Atlanta, GA


Instagram: _herbeautyspeaks

Twitter: @herbeautypeaks


Idara Ekpoh