who i hoped to be.png

Photographer: Idara Ekpoh

Mothers Day By Fauve Shapri

I love how your intelligence drapes from your scalp

Sometimes it’s curled, sometimes it’s straight 

Sometimes you wear it up in a luxurious state

My favorite is when you twirl and shake

I love your intelligence in every way

I love to see your strength in your sway

The manner in which you carry your weight

Is an inspiration I pray to see in my fate 

Your tenacity is sculpted in your legs

In your muscles, in your bones, and in your veins

The miles endured can never fully be explained

But everything you do is done in beauty and in grace



You were entrusted with the ability to procreate

My existence, I promise you, is not in vain

Because of you I will always grow and chase the visions and dreams initiated in the safe

To whomever may sit in this place

Continue your reign, you’re forever there to stay

To her, I’d give my life and my soul

By her, I live to conquer the world

To all the mommies today, I say

I pray you have a Happy Mother’s Day

who I hoped to be.

who she is to me.



who I hoped to be.

who she is to me.