To Her + By Her features real stories from women of color on their journey to finding their identity and manifesting in their womanhood. 


pick a theme 

1. Selfhood: your individuality and identity

2. Sisterhood: a relationship between women or a community of women

3. Womanhood: experiences that have shaped who you or the women around you are

4. Motherhood: your journey to motherhood or of the mothers around you


Ways to contribute 

As of now, there are four ways you can contribute to "To her + by her" 

01. Submit a written piece (you don't have to consider yourself a 'writer')

02. Share a story (this can be about anything in relation to the themes)

03 . Submit photography to be featured

01. Submit a Written Piece

Use the form below to submit your interest in writing for "to her + by her" with an idea of what you'd like to contribute. 

you do not need to consider yourself a 'writer' to submit your interest in contributing. This opportunity is open to all. we want to collect thoughts and stories from women who are willing to share. 

you may click here to see who has contributed to "to her + by her" so far. 

02. Share a story

Use the form below to send through some of your stories that you'd like to share. If you'd like to remain anonymous, please notate so!


Any stories that you'd like to share about your journey to who you are now or anything that has shaped the lives of those around you, I'd love to hear. Share your story, so others can grow with you. 


03. Share photography

As you can tell, there is a visual aspect to this site.

If you are a photographer and have work you'd like tot share, please use the form below! All photographers will be credited!